Background information about the song:

After seven years on the run, Kenneth realizes that his worst fear has come true; Violeta has become like her mother - and it has happened sooner than he had hoped. Her smile is identical to her mother's now. More and more often she surprises her father by pulling one new idea after another out of her hat. The black cats of the town slink around, and flock about her. Kenneth must hurry to get rid of her, before it is too late. They have traveled around the world and ended up in Singapore, where they meet Kenneth's brother, with whom he has sinister intentions. The plan was to get rid of his daughter, sell her on the black market, and get a good price because of her supernatural abilities. But they acted too late. Violeta mocks her father and his brother, who couldn't see it coming. She runs away, headed for her childhood home. But her father's brother is right on her heels. It turns out there is more to his quite ordinary appearance than Violeta would guess...

Svarte katter & flosshatter

Black cats & top hats

La det bare være sagtLet it just be said
Kun en gongOnly one time
Før me skiller lagBefore we say good-bye
Og du gårAnd you leave
Og eg forsvinnerAnd I disappear
Og alt me harAnd all we have
Sammen frå dåIn common from then on
Er minnerAre memories
Du var som meg då du var litenYou were like me when you were little
Ingenting som kan endra detNothing can change that
Det begynte å skje ting med hele skitenThen things started to happen with all this mess
Du forandra deg då me stakkYou changed when we left
Og bris blei til sterk vindAnd a breeze turned into strong wind
Og blå himmel blei til svartAnd the blue sky turned black
Eg tok deg jordå rundt i båtI took you all around the world in a boat
Du var så søt i Singapore havnYou were so cute in Singapore port
Du låg og sovYou lay asleep
Og akkurat då la eg ingenting i detAnd back then, I did not think much about it
Eg visste det, men turte ikkje sei detI knew it, but dared not say it
Du var ikkje deg då du smilteYou weren't yourself when you smiled
Då var det di mor eg sågIt was your mother that I saw
Du klarte ikkje sjå detYou couldn't see it
Du får blod til å frysa til isYou turn blood to ice
Rett før du kommer er det brisJust before you come, there is a breeze
Det er nesten som eg ikkje tør å snu megIt's almost like I don't dare turn around
Når du plystrer på megWhen you whistle at me
Det skal jo vær romantisk vakkert med barnelatterChildren's laughter is supposed to be romantically beautiful
Rundt deg smyger kun svarte katterOnly black cats sneak up to you
Det er tomt for kaniner i di mors flosshatterThere are no more rabbits in your mother's top hats
Det er vanskelig å tørka smilet av en SattanIt's difficult to wipe the smile off a Satan
Eg prøvde å tørka av ditt smil mens du sovI tried wiping off your smile while you were sleeping
Det går ikkje av om eg spør om lovIt won't come off, even if I ask
Du var ikkje deg då du smilteYou weren't yourself when you smiled
Då var det di mor eg sågIt was your mother that I saw

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Svarte katter & flosshatter