Kaizers Orchestra sing in Norwegian - that makes it quite hard for the non-Norwegian fans to understand the lyrics. =;-) But it's worth the effort to try to understand the lyrics, because you won't really understand the Kaizers universe without!


Choose a song from the list below to display the lyrics and translation. All available songs are listed - that means that if a song is missing, there is no translation for it (yet).


Here you can find the songs sorted by album, so that you don't have to select all songs separately. =;-) Currently, some of the albums aren't complete yet, and so there are a few gaps - but the missing songs will be added soon.

Other lyrics

Most Norwegian lyrics, also of demo songs and solo projects, can be found on the Norwegian fansite www.drmowinckel.com. Click "Sanger og tekster" on the top and then select the song. If the lyrics aren't included right on top, there might be a suggestion under "Forslag til tekst". This suggestion might not be a hundred percent correct (even the Norwegians often have trouble understanding the Kaizers lyrics!), but it's better than nothing, right? Sometimes there are also translations on drmowinckel.com, mostly for very new songs.

Konzertjunkie on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/ konzertjunkie
Konzertjunkie onTwitter: kaizers_kj
The lyrics