Background information about the song:

Kenneth and his brother adorn themselves with beautiful Violeta. She captures all the attention and they hide behind that. It's a delight. Kenneth is intoxicated with pride and convinced that this plan is as airtight as the one that he and his brother performed 14 years ago was. But does he actually have full insight into what his brother's plan is all about? And why doesn't Violeta wear the precious ring that she got from her parents anymore? Was it really taken by a raven, as she claims?



Eg vil ha deg som pynt.I want you as an ornament
Eg vil ta deg med i min dansI want you to join me in my dance
Ikkje ta det så tungtDon't take it so hard
Heller heng deg om min halsBetter hold around my neck
Du er min kunst og du er min blomsterkransYou are my art and you are my flower garland
Sei kva du synsSay what you want
Eg drysser på komplimentI sprinkle with compliments
Kor tid er det nok?When is it enough?
Kor tid er det nok syns du skatt?When is it enough, what do you think, darling?
Du maler som en pus som maler svartYou purr like a kitty that paints it black
Eg har ikkje tall på kor mange kyssI cannot count how many kisses
vinden har tattthe wind has taken
eller kaniner som hopper utor rabbits that jump out
av din flosshattof your top hat
Du skinner, åh som silver, om min halsYou shine, oh like silver, around my neck
Men én ting. En siste ting.But one thing. One last thing
Har du tatt av din arv på din ringfingDid you take your heritage off your ring finger
Eller blei an stjålen av en ravnOr was it stolen by a raven
rett av fingen dinright off your finger
Først var an minFirst it was mine
så mor din sinthen your mother's
så dinthen yours
og nå en ravn sinand now a raven's
Men du skinner fortsatt Violeta minBut you still shine, my Violeta
Plukker solå ned som en konfekt med appelsinPick the sun down like an orange praline
Graver dine drømmer nerBury your dreams
perfekte i et skrinperfect in a shrine
Du kan vær i min drømYou can be in my dream
hvis eg får vær i dinIf I get to be in yours
Du skinner, åh som silver, om min halsYou shine, oh like silver, around my neck

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