Background information about the song:
Every night, Beatrice is sitting up in the attic, wearing her old wedding dress, drinking vodka while playing the pump organ and smoking cigarettes. She enters a kind of psyched up trance. The organ and the vodka fill up the attic with something that she experiences like a religious force. She goes into a state of intoxicated fantasy, or foresight, where she hears her daughter's voice, among other things. She continues drinking until the demons come out, and she shoots a bigger and bigger hole into the ceiling with her shotgun. In the end, she marries her own demons, under the hole in the roof, and looks up at the starry sky of lead that she shot by herself. She is one with the divine, and she's in the center of her own cosmos. She is her own Maker. She is not sick, but she isn't healthy either...
En for orgelet, en for meg | One for the organ, one for me |
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang | I sit down and pump to get the right sound |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Eg har dratt ut ledningen av min telefon | I have pulled the cord of my telephone |
Ingen ringer lenger inn, ingen ringer lenger ut | No one can ring in now, no one can ring out |
Og er eg i tvil, kaster eg mynt eller kron | And if I'm in doubt, I toss heads or tails |
Eg har aldri fått svar ifrå mitt Jesusikon | I've never gotten an answer from my Jesus icon |
Eg sko likt og vært kun han og meg i et rom | I would like to have just him and me in one room |
Tanken blir dobbelt så stor om me hadde vært to | The thought gets twice as big if we'd be two |
Og en ting er om han hadde syns synd på meg | And one thing is if he'd feel sorry for me |
Eg sko spurt han tvert om om han syns synd på seg | On the contrary I should have asked him if he feels sorry for himself |
Eg setter meg og pumper for å få rett klang | I sit down and pump to get the right sound |
Dagen er for kort og nåttå er for lang | The day is too short and the night is too long |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Og eg kan ikkje bretta opp kjolen, det får bli en annen sang | And I can't roll up my dress, that would be another song |
For ein: Eg har ikkje skjorta. Og to: Eg er ikkje mann | Because one: I don't have a shirt. And two: I'm not a man. |
Så eg skjenker Absolut oppi to glass av krystall | So I pour Absolut in two crystal glasses |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |
Svart går i dur og kvitt i moll | Black is major and white is minor |
Og når eg vil opp, tar eg en halv kopp med svart | And when I want to get up, I take half a cup of black |
Eg heller i og cirka sånn er nok | I pour, and about this much is enough |
Og så drømmer eg meg vekk som i et ekstatisk sjokk | And then I dream myself away like in an ecstatic shock |
Me sko pakkt en koffert og reist og sett oss om | We should have packed a suitcase and traveled and looked around |
Åh, sko ønskt me kunne hatt det sånn | Oh, I wish we could have done it like that |
Sluppet alt me har i hendene og reist, liksom | Let go of everything we have in our hands and just left, sort of |
Så kunne me lært å gjort vann om til vin og sånn | So we could have learned to turn water into wine and stuff |
Og etter fem glass slepper eg demonane ut | And after five glasses I let out the demons |
Og etter fem til skyter eg hol i taket og står brud | And after five more I shoot holes in the ceiling and turn into a bride |
Vil du ha meg i gode og onde dagar for alltid | Will you keep me forever, in good times and in bad |
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti | In nomini Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti |
Så skyter eg gjennom himmelen med deg på slep | So I shoot through the sky with you in tow |
En for orgelet og en for meg | One for the organ and one for me |