Background information about the song:
Beatrice has reversed depression and passivity to passion and vivid drive. She must make up for seven years of inactivity and is eager to put things in place. She visits her old friend and maid of honor, Cecilia I. Velur, who introduced her to Kenneth back in the time, and confronts her with this "deceit". The devil watches all of this from his place behind the scenes, but then he jumps in to remind Beatrice that, despite her abilities, she's inferior to him, and that she cannot teach him about lies and betrayal ...
Forloveren | The maid of honor |
Eg vett ei som går over lik på sin vei | I know someone who walks over dead bodies on her way |
Ikkje tru et sekund eg ikkje ser deg | Don't believe for a second that I don't see you |
Du er svart i ditt blikk sjølv om ditt hår er blondt | Your glare is dark even though your hair is blond |
Dine ord av velur syns eg ingenting om | I don't think much of your words of velvet |
Historie veier visst for lett for deg | History seems to weigh easy for you |
Og din glorie er ikkje av gull, spør du meg | And your halo is not golden, if you ask me |
Fekk eg ett ønske oppfyllt av ei heks eller av kongen | If I got one wish fulfilled by a witch or the King |
sko eg ønskt at eg fekk oppleva alt sammen om igjen | I would wish that I got to experience everything all over again |
Du er min forlover | You're my maid of honor |
Du lover meir enn du holder | You promise more than you live up to |
Ja nå får me sjå kva du tåler | Well, now we will get to see what you can handle |
Eg kommer mens du sover | I'll come by while you are sleeping |
med glitter og med et bittert smil om min munn | with glitter and with a bitter smile around my mouth |
sitter eg ved di seng og hyler som en hund | I'll sit at your bed and howl like a dog |
Det er konfetti i luftå i kveld | There is confetti in the air tonight |
og stjerner blinker farvel | and stars are flashing goodbye |
Du vett, Djevelen er en sjarmør | You know, the Devil is a charmer |
Men nå er du passasjer og eg din sjåfør | But now you are the passenger and I'm your chauffeur |
Du lover møje meir enn du kan holda | You promise much more than you can live up to |
Ikkje lær meg om løgn og om svik | Don't teach me about lies and betrayal |
Eg spaserer med deg over lik | I walk with you over dead bodies |
i fullt dagslys, eg er ikkje en snik | in broad daylight, I'm not a sneak |
Ditt liv er fattigt og mitt er rikt | Your life is poor and mine is abundant |
Husk eg var der då du blei født | Remember that I was there when you were born |
og eg skal vær der når du dør | and I will be there when you die |
Så, min forlover, har du det bra? | So, my maid of honor, are you ok? |
Fortell koss du sover, og kva slags drømmer du har | Tell me how you are sleeping, and what kind of dreams you have |
Sei meg Cecilia I. Velur | Tell me, Cecilia I. Velur |
Kem trur du nå det er... | Who do you now think it is ... |
Kem trur du nå det er sin tur | Who do you now think is next in line |
Eg ser deg med broren | I see you with the brother |
og meg med mitt barn | and me with my child |
Eg ser en Djevel og min | I see a Devil and my |
mann med han | husband with him |
Så kva skal du tru på? | So what should you believe in? |
Og kem kan du spør? | And who can you ask? |
Eg bare prikker deg på din skulder og | I just tap you on the shoulder and |
du kan snu deg når du tørr | you can turn around if you dare |
Du er min forlover | You're my maid of honor |
Du lover meir enn du holder | You promise more than you live up to |