Background information about the song:
Violeta runs from her father and brother one full moon night in Singapore. She is 14 years now and has finally managed to develop her abilities enough to make contact with her mother through dreams and thoughts. They agree to meet outside of the highest skyscraper in Tokyo at a given time. But before she gets there, she must shake off the shadow that races after her. It cannot be her father, because he cannot keep up with her. It must be his brother, who is capable of withstanding Violeta's obstacles. She moves heaven and earth and manages to make it rain so hard that he drowns. At least that's what she thinks ...
Tusen dråper regn | A thousand drops of rain |
Eg ser at i kveld henger månen lågt | I see that tonight the moon is hanging low |
Og eg vett han må ha sett det eg såg | And I know he must have seen what I saw |
Eg springer langs skinnene og hopper på et tog | I run along the tracks and jump on a train |
Og det er bare meg og minnene frå et vondt år | And it's just me and the memories of a bad year |
Ikkje alle ville vært en diamant | And not everyone would want to be a diamond |
Hatt evig liv og vært pryd for en fant | Live forever and be an adornment for a hobo |
Nei du må heller sikle etter meg som ditt smykke | No, you should rather lick your lips to have me for your jewelry |
Me skyter av gårde langs bakken | We speed away across the ground |
Eg kjenner du puster meg i nakken | I feel you breathing down my neck |
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegn | It's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life |
Og me knuser tusen dråper regn | And we shatter a thousand drops of rain |
Eg ser at i kveld henger månen lågt | I see that tonight the moon is hanging low |
Og eg vett han må ha sett det eg såg | And I know he must have seen what I saw |
Eg trenger ingen forklaring for å forstå | I need no explanation to understand |
din forretning med bror din. Han kom ut av det blå | your business with your brother. He came out of the blue |
Ikkje alle kan forsvinne i en vind | And not everyone can go with the wind |
ta farvel og late som ingenting | Say goodbye and pretend it's nothing |
Det kan sjå ut som du vinker | It might look like you're waving |
men eg ser på når du drukner | But I watch while you drown |
Me skyter avgårde langs bakken | We speed away across the ground |
Eg kjenner du puster meg i nakken | I feel you breathing down my neck |
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegn | It's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life |
Og me knuser tusen dråper regn | And we shatter a thousand drops of rain |
Og me skyter ut av tuneller | And we shoot out of the tunnels |
Barnelatter har aldri vært så vakker | Children's laughter has never been so beautiful |
Det er som et dødsskrik når bremsene viser livstegn | It's like a death scream when the brakes show signs of life |
Og me knuser tusen dråper regn | And we shatter a thousand drops of rain |
Barnelatter har aldri vært så vakker | Children's laughter has never been so beautiful |