2009/10/26: Rune and Janove run the New York Marathon!
Janove and Rune sweat for UNICEF!
According to the myth, the Greek soldier Phedippides dropped dead after running the 42,195 kilometers to Athens from the battle at Marathon with the good news ...
2009/10/20: Kaizer on the road
Janove and Terje keep it up as live performers, also without their Ompa pals from Kaizers.
Both are involved in "Den kulturelle skolesekken" ("The Cultural Backpack") this fall, which takes place in ...
2009/10/10: New tour in February!
Kaizers Orchestra embark on a short four-day city tour in February!
The special thing about this tour is that the band dedicates the profits of the concert for the production of the ...
2009/10/09: Welcome to our new websites!
After a period of hibernation, kaizers.no finally resurfaces in a new design! We have now chosen a so-called "open source publishing platform", which makes us independent of disappearing programmers or web ...
2009/8/12: The Kaizers universe goes to the theater!
At a press conference at Rogaland Teater earlier today, the head of the theater, Arne Nøst, announced a local major venture, together with a few familiar faces from Kaizers and author ...
2009/5/29: Start of the outdoor season!
Finally it's the time of the year again to enjoy bright summer nights and walk in the grass up in the north. On this occasion, Kaizers are opening the summer season ...
2009/5/12: Become our friend on Facebook!
Kaizers Orchestra's univers is mostly analog, manual, black-and-white, creaky, and heavy, but that doesn't prevent the band from having their own facebook site as well! Become our friend here!
Kaizers' site is ...
2009/5/10: Geir's top-5-list of overrated bands!
Of all the unimportant and useless things you do on this earth, list-making is definitely one of the funniest. People's subjective preferences open up for exhaustless amounts of opinions and discussions. ...
2009/5/7: Tore Renberg praises Kaizers Orchestra
The author Tore Renberg from Stavanger, best known for his up to now three books about Jarle Klepp, "Mannen som elsket Yngve", "Kompani Orheim", and "Charlotte Isabel Hansen", is an active ...
2009/5/4: Våre Demoner - on sale until Wednesday!
The demand for Kaizers Orchestra's "hiking on almost overgrown paths"-album "Våre Demoner" has exceeded all expectations, and record company and record stores haven't managed to take all the pressure. This means ...


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