Background information about the song:
Violeta remembers more and more of the past and has started to see through her father's one-sided propaganda against her mother. She also understands that she has an own extraordinary power, and has started to put her full potential into effect. She is drawn towards her mother, and the association between the two is strengthened every day. After seven years on the run, Violeta is ready. She flees from her father and his brother in Singapore, manages to shake them off, and finds her way back to her childhood home. There, she picks all her mother's thoughts and dreams. This is when she understands that she will meet her mother for the first time in seven years. She's a big girl now. Her mother promises her a life like no other. And when she has thawed the last bucket of ice, she understands what her mother wants and that they have been closer than she first thought. Violeta does like her mother told her in her dreams and travels right to the highest skyscraper in Tokyo ...
Drøm videre Violeta | Dream on Violeta |
Hands up. Pengene eller livet | Hands up. Money or life |
Du stod, og måtte telle til hundre | You stood there and had to count to one hundred |
Og du såg mellom fingrane dine | And you peeked through your fingers |
Eg låg og lurte en time i sivet | I lay waiting in the reeds for an hour |
Om kvelden var du oppe på loftet og sang | At night you were up in the attic and sang |
Månen var full og me ulte på han | The moon was full, and we howled at it |
Nettene var korte og dagen var for lang | The nights were short and the day was too long |
Det var magiske timer me hadde sammen den gong | Those were magical times that we had together back then |
Og du heiste meg til skyene, og enda lenger opp | And you raised me up to the clouds, and even higher up |
Eg var din akrobat, og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armane dine | I was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms |
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friare | Only butterflies could have felt any freer than we |
Og far stod og smilte, og vinkte, ner på bakken og såg | And Dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched |
Men det var den gong då | But that was back then |
Me har det ikkje sånn lenger nå | It's different now |
Me deler på en hemmelighet | We share a secret |
Drømmane dine som me grov ner | Your dreams that we dug in |
De vokser opp av bakken når det regner ner | They grow out of the ground when it rains down |
Eg ser det på deg frå mi seng | I see it in you from my bed |
Drømmer som vokser som ei blomstereng | Dreams that grow like a flower meadow |
Og en heilt spesiell og vakker dag | And one very special and beautiful day |
Springer eg over gjerdene alt eg har | I'll leap over the fence with all I have |
Eg kommer til å plukke dine drømmar til bakken er bar | I'm going to pick your dreams until the ground is bare |
Du heiste meg lenger, og lenger, og lenger og enda lenger opp | You raised me higher, and higher, and higher and even higher up |
Eg var din akrobat, og eg dalte alltid rett inn i armane dine | I was your acrobat, and I always fell right into your arms |
Me måtte vært sommerfugler om me sko ha følt oss friare | Only butterflies could have felt any freer than we |
Og far stod og smilte, og vinkte, ner på bakken og såg | And dad stood and smiled and waved, down on the ground and watched |
Men det var den gong då | But that was back then |
Me har det ikkje sånn lenger nå | It's different now |
Eg vil ha det sånn eg hadde det | I want it to be like it was |
Du gjorde det umulige | You did the impossible |
Du ga oss følelsen at alt kunne skje | You gave us the feeling that anything could happen |
Det var kaniner i hatten | There were rabbits in the hat |
Eg venta på elefanten | I waited for the elephant |
Du drog på kaniner opp av hatten | You took the rabbits out of the hat |
Eg stod å venta på elefanten | I was waiting for the elephant |