The Norwegian lyrics were never officially published, so they might contain errors.

Background information about the song:

Cecilia and Beatrice go way back together. They were childhood friends, grew up together, and at one time, they also fell in love with the same man. Cecilia drew the long straw, Corvino. But it turned out that he had a younger brother, Kenneth, who was also a charming man. They married just as well a brother each. Eventually, they lost contact. Beatrice disappeared more and more into her own eccentric world, and when Corvino suddenly ended up in prison, the relationship cooled down even more. After years of bad conscience and longing for the golden times, Cecilia I. Velur writes this letter to Beatrice ...

Cecilia I. Velur

Cecilia I. Velur

Eg har kjent deg siden me var småI have known you since we were little
det er lenge siden nåit's long ago now
me har hengt ut i din hagewe hung out in your garden
og sett natta spise dagenand watched the night eat up the day
om du hadde kjolen påif you wore your dress
ville eg alltid ha på minI always wanted to wear mine
om eg hadde den første tankenif I had the first thought
fullførte du alltid min setningyou always completed my sentence
Det finnes ingen piller eller kurThere are no pills and no cure
som holder livet ditt à jourthat can keep your life up-to-date
ingen andre kan leve ditt liv enn dunobody else can live your life but you
kjære Cecilia I. Velurdear Cecilia I. Velur
Kan du forstå når eg beklagerCan you understand that I'm sorry
at det må gå som det gårthat things must go as they do
livet byr på så mange smakerlife offers so many tastes
og for ikke å snakke om fargernot even to talk about colors
eg håper du er akkuratI hope that you are exactly
presis der som du skal væreprecisely where you're supposed to be
aleine eller aller helstalone or even better
sammen med di dattertogether with your daughter
Det finnes ingen piller eller kurThere are no pills and no cure
som holder livet ditt à jourthat can keep your life up-to-date
ingen andre kan leve ditt liv enn dunobody else can live your life but you
kjære Cecilia I. Velurdear Cecilia I. Velur
Ser deg kanskje igjen en vakker dag eg går en turI might see you again, some nice day when I go for a walk
forbi den gamle hagen bakom huset der du burby the old garden behind the house where you live
nå er det slutt på de dager eg fulgte din couturenow the days are over when I followed your fashion
han er bare minhe's only mine
du er bare duyou are only you
så sant som mitt navn eras true as my name is
Cecilia I. VelurCecilia I. Velur

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Cecilia I. Velur