Medisin & psykiatri

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

We tend to be in agreement on which songs are good enough to wager on, we are quite compatible like that, but there was a bit of disagreement about this one. Some felt that the "doomsday country" quota had been filled up with Hevnervals from Evig Pint, while others thought it was an up-tempo breath of fresh air that there absolutely was room for on Maestro. As we know, the benefit of the doubt was never given to the innocent this time, and "Medisin & Psykiatri" remained unrecorded.

It has been performed live a number of times, and on the last round we did it, fall 2008, we had worked out a new and improved arrangement with the solo theme as a pompous intro. We felt that elevated the song and made it ripe for a proper recording.

Vicente is the protagonist in these lyrics, the same man who in "På ditt skift" manages to escape from Dieter Meyer's Inst. Vicente is not sick in ways other than being rebellious, and in "Medisin & Psykiatri" he plans what he later succeeds in on "På ditt skift", namely to be the first to run away from DMI, and on the boss's shift at that.

The story of Vicente continues on the Maestro song "Delikatessen" where he, as a free man, describes Delikatessen as the worst ward in DMI. Additionally, it is documents from here that he is later stopped with on the way to Poland in the song "Die Polizei".

Medisin & psykiatri

Medicine & psychiatry

Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Du med dine spørsmål og meg med mine svarYou with your questions and I with my answers
Gi meg medisin, gi meg psykiatriGive me medicine, give me psychiatry
Eg gir deg ingenting annet enn mi tidI don't give you anything but my time
Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Til mitt besvær og til ditt behagWith my discomfort and your pleasure
Du ser på meg og trekker din konklusjonYou look at me and draw your conclusion
Og i Dieter Meyers navn...And in Dieter Meyer's name ...
Du trekker din konklusjon i Dieter Meyers navnYou draw your conclusion in Dieter Meyer's name
De kler meg av, de kler meg av, de kler meg avThey undress me, they undress me, they undress me
De gir meg spørsmål og eg gir deg svarThey ask me questions and I give you answers
Men eg har tenkt, og eg har tenkt og eg har tenktBut I've been thinking, and I've been thinking and thinking
Dette her er min dag. Nå stikker eg avThis is my day. Now I run
For eg vil ut, for eg vil ut, for eg vil utBecause I want to get out, I want to get out, want to get out
De tok meg inn men det er kun for eg blei lurtThey admitted me, but only because I was fooled
Her kommer eg til å blø, til å blø til eg dørI will be bleeding here, bleeding until I die
Nå stikker eg av på ditt skift, herr DirektørNow I will run away during your shift, Mr. director
Morgen kommer til en heilt ny dagIt's the morning of a brand new day
Ikkje et sekund lenger. Såpass er klartNot one second longer. That's for sure
Aldri om eg ligger her den dagen eg skal døNo way that I'll be lying here on the day that I die
Nå stikker eg av på ditt skift, herr DirektørNow I will run away during your shift, Mr. director

Våre demoner

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

Dieter Meyer's Institution is the arena for most of the material on Maestro. It is a place that, under the cover of being a mental institution specializing in war trauma, is involved in shady activities like drug dealing, whitewashing of money, as well as selling organs to wealthy private hospitals. The institution is built up and run by a mysterious figure who no one knows the identity of. He is referred to as Meyer, Maestro, and Papa among others, but no one has ever seen him. The protagonist in these lyrics has been confined to Dieter Meyer for life with the diagnosis of incurable paranoia. Really, he is just an ordinary man who has discovered what goes on in this place and has therefore been committed and subdued. After a few years hospitalized, he has realized that he is alone in the fight against the corrupt system, and now only wishes to end it all with hope of better times in heaven.

"Våre demoner" is one of several "genre songs", this time in surf/rockabilly tradition. We tend to say that we like the best of all genres and use the inspiration actively. Sometimes the result is a bit more clearly genre than other times. It is usually these songs we like the least of our own material, and so they often fall to the wayside. In the rehearsal phase for this album we tried to "Kaizer-ify" several of these songs, including this one, but we found out it was both livelier, more fun to play, and also better if we instead genre-ified them.

Våre demoner

Our demons

Takk for nok en idé, men eg får aldri fredThanks for another idea, but I'll never find peace
Ingenting kan endra detNothing can change that
Mitt hjerta går i utakt, eg ser ut som et slaktMy heart beats unsteadily, I look like a wreck
Snart stryker eg medSoon I'll be finished off
En manns golv er en annen manns takOne man's floor is another man's roof
Ta det dag for dagTake it day by day
Eg trenger nytt preparat, en nye startI need a new drug, a new start
før alt blir svartbefore everything turns black
For våre demonerBecause our demons
har jagt oss i generasjonerhave been haunting us for generations
De kommer i alle versjonerThey come in all kinds
Kan kun stoppa dei med patronerYou can only stop them with bullets
Så gje meg enSo give me one
Få meg til himmelenGet me into heaven
Eg har folda mine hender, spilt blod, knekt tennerI have folded my hands, spilled blood, crushed teeth
nå sitter eg hernow I'm sitting here
Krigen er ikkje over, de kommer når du sover nårThe war isn't over, they come while you sleep, when
ingen sernobody's watching
Denne hekseprosessen tar alle unntatt presten.This witch trial takes everyone except for the priest.
Han er en av deHe's one of them
Eg vett kva han koker på.I know what he's cooking.
Det brenner snart nåNow it will soon burn
Det ryker for mi fortidMy past ends up in smoke

Die Polizei

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

The English translation is taken from

Background information about the song:

Every December 22nd, Janove and Geir go to "Kalas". A festive get-together where old buddies from Bryne meet, hang out, drink, and update each other on what's happening in their lives. A tradition that began with a birthday party for Kris in 1995, which has continued every year since. Every year Janove or Geir makes a new "Kalas song" which is performed together at the piano later that evening. This slightly pompous mens'-choir-song style fits Kaizers very well, so two-three of the songs have, after a total lyrical renovation and improvement of basic melodies, made their way into the Kaizer catalog. The most well-known is probably "Mr Kaizer, hans Constanze & meg", but Die Polizei was also another Kalas song.

Die Polizei is from the Maestro era, and continues the story of Vicente from "Delikatessen", who escapes from Dieter Meyer's Institution on a draisine with a suitcase full of documents. The escape ends in Germany where he is arrested by the police and questioned. The conversation in the refrain, where the interrogator addresses the accused in English, is an exact copy of Jim Jarmusch's interpretation of how German Nazis talk in interrogations in old war films, from his own film "Blue in the Face". A lovely scene we felt just had to be set to a tone. "Good thing they don't usually sing in English, with that pronunciation!" We've heard it, yes. Bat vi ar spiking it cherman style, vid ze purpes, ja!? As our dear fans know, this is a popular live closer for us. Fun chorus to sing together with a sold-out house and a good, pompous atmosphere. Thank you! See you next time… Herr Polizei… you'll never find me again, because I've gone off the path… Safe travels!

Die Polizei

The police

Det var seint og eg var på vei i fra Tyskland til PolenIt was late, and I was on my way from Germany to Poland
De vil ha alt eg har hørt, og alt eg har settThey want to know about all I have heard, and all I have seen
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De vil ha alt eg har hørt, die polizeiThey want to know about all I have heard, and all I have seen, the police
Og det var blitt kjent eg bar på et dokumentAnd they had found out that I carried a document
av en sånn karakter som gjorde at de tok meg innof a kind that made them take me in
og spurte meg utand question me
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De tok meg inn, de spurte meg ut, die polizeiThey took me in, they questioned me, the police
We know who you areWe know who you are
We know everything about youWe know everything about you
And we know where you liveAnd we know where you live
Men Herr polizei, Herr polizeiBut Mr. police, Mr. police
Du finner meg aldri igjenYou will never find me again
for eg har gått av stien, Herr polizei'cause I have left the path, Mr. police
Du ser meg aldri igjenYou will never see me again
Og eg sprang. Gud vett kor eg sprangAnd I ran. God knows how I ran
Men eg såg ingentingBut I didn't see anything
For alt eg vett sprang eg i ringAs far as I know, I ran in circles
Men de klarte ikkje følga medBut they couldn't follow me
Die polizei, die polizei, die polizeiThe police, the police, the police
De klarte ikkje følga med, die polizeiThey couldn't follow me, the police

Fanden hakk i hel

Thanks to Jez for the English translation! Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

This was a song we had a lot of faith in when it came up. Janove especially liked it very much, and that tends to be a very promising starting point for a Kaizers Orchestra song. Nevertheless, it was never part of any release. Janove actually fell into making an English solo version of it, but that was also never released. To assess it a little, we can say that there were two factors which took the air out of it for Kaizers:

1. The timing. "Fanden" was one of the first songs that turned up in the Maestro rounds. That meant that we were a bit tired of it when we were recording the album two years later.

2. The tone. After composing several songs and finding a sort of red thread in the material for Maestro, we thought this was not fully fitting. Guitar rock is a nice, but also dangerous and overpopulated landscape. And since we had many other songs to choose between, this one came up short. But it is a fun song to play, so we are glad that the opportunity has opened up now! The lyrics are about a young couple, who in good Romeo and Juliet style pursue their love against all odds and against everyone's will. They know that as soon as they are discovered it will all be over, so they live the time they have together intensely, with the devil on their heels.

Fanden hakk i hel

The devil on our heels

Eg har aldri tatt i en bibelI have never touched a bible
Den porten er nok stengt når eg dørThat gate is probably closed when I die
Eg har mange minner frå då eg var litenI have many memories from when I was a child
Det er som eg ser tilbake gjennom et slørIt's like I'm looking back through a veil
Og du har alltid vært jentå miAnd you have always been my girl
Me gikk hånd i hånd med kver sitt stort smilWe walked hand in hand, both with a big smile
Alle såg på oss når me gikk forbiEveryone looked at us when we passed by
Men ingen såg kva me gjorde nattestidBut no one saw what we did during the night
Og nå springer me med fanden hakk i helAnd now we run with the devil on our heels
Og holder på å le oss i hjelAnd we're laughing ourselves to death
Gjennom parken og over ei engThrough the park and over a meadow
Og duene de letter en og enAnd the doves take off one by one
Og alt som de har sagt ikkje var lovAnd everything that they said wasn't allowed
Det gjorde me mens alle låg og sovWe did it when everyone lay down sleeping
Me kommer aldri til å få som fortjentWe will never get what we deserved
for de tar oss aldri igjenbecause they will never catch up with us
Det fins en plass bare me to vett omThere's a place only the two of us know of
Kor me kan vær aleina i skjulWhere we can be alone by ourselves, hidden
Og hvis det begynner å regne, har me plastikkAnd if it starts to rain we have plastic
Det er nesten som å bu i KonsulIt's almost like living in Consul
Det er vanskelig å skille rett frå galtIt's hard to distinguish right from wrong
Eg har gjort så mange feil blir eg fortaltI have made so many mistakes, I was told
Og hvis eg kunne levd mitt liv igjenAnd if I could live my life again
Ville eg gjort de samme feilene om igjen en etter enI would make the same mistakes again one by one


Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

After the Ompa til du Tour tour was expanded from 15 to 150 concerts in the wake of success and live-demands in 2001-2002, there was little time to sit at home and write songs. Janove moved the pump organ from his apartment in Storhaug in Stavanger to a side room in the bar Cementen (for locals: the one that is now Gnu) and sat there in free moments. In addition, there was some writing in hotel rooms around the country. Partial amnesia might be a side effect of a hard rock life. In any case, Janove remembers nothing of the circumstances around the origin of this song, but it was made, weighed, and apparently found too light.

This version is more guitar-based, heavier, and more droning than the violently rattling demo taken up at NRK Rogaland in 2003. When we brought it out again, we felt we were able to "crack the code" and make a cool composition for a melody we had always liked, but hadn't figured out how we should resolve it. A full guitar downpour through a whole song is not something we do often, but here rock-Kaizers comes fully into its own.

The lyrics are about paranoia in the mafia world, where you can never be completely sure who is friend or enemy. The rules are such that when you've got the red feather and know that you are the next one out on the plank, it could be the person you thought was your best friend and partner who's strangling you. A kind of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" lesson here.



Du vett aldri kem som går bak din ryggYou never know who's hoodwinking you
Føl deg aldri tryggDon't ever feel safe
Når månen henger høgt og ser på når du blir forfulgtWhen the moon is up high and watches while you're being pursued
Det siste blikket du serThe last gaze you see
Den siste stemmen som lerThe last voice that is laughing
Han som går i dine sko er din kavalerHe who walks in your shoes is your gentleman
Og når du ser at du ikkje lenger kaster skyggeAnd when you realize that you don't cast a shadow anymore
Då er di tid forbiThen your time's out
Det er for seint å redde livIt's too late to save lives
Redde ditt livTo save your life
Du går med raske skrittYou walk with hurried steps
Men hans er raskere enn dittBut his are quicker than yours
Ditt liv er satt ring rundt med krittYour life is lined in a ring of chalk
Men du er i liveBut you are alive
Og du sprang gjønå regnverAnd you ran through the rain
Og det brant en revolverAnd a gun fired
Og du datt i en ring av krittAnd you fell in a ring of chalk
Og klokkene kimerAnd the bells are ringing
Han er din kavalérHe's your gentleman

Gruvene på 16

Thanks to Jez for the English translation! Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

Lyrically, this song is most closely related to the more famous "Bøn fra helvete". The mines on 16 are the place described as a hell on earth, the place that it's no use to pray from.

The story is about the sailor Marcelo Conradas who, after being captured in a raid somewhere in Asia, is sold as a slave to gold miners. From "the bars at Kringsjå" he describes the ruthless and psychopathic Henry who torments and tortures the mine workers until it all culminates in commotion and mutiny.

In the following chaos and escape attempt, Marcelo is the only one who comes out alive, with a bag of gold in his sack. In safety, the thought of revenge is so strong that he later spends his whole fortune on having it realized. In "Marcelos leksjon", another unreleased song that is not in this collection, he learns voodoo in Egypt (from a certain Mr. Kaizer) and finally gets his revenge on Henry by letting the world's heaviest Siamese cat eat the head of the voodoo doll that represents Henry (and people ask us what we are inspired by when we write lyrics…!)

Musically, "Gruvene på 16" was considered too "ballad-like" for the Ompa album. It had too much of the precursor to Kaizers "gnom" in it, we thought, and was therefore not "fresh" and hard-hitting enough. Now, however, we have grown up and are no longer afraid to admit that we also very much love nice ballads.

Gruvene på 16

The mines at 16

Eg er din siste som synger denne visåI am the last one to sing this tune
For ting har gått over stokk og stein her'Cause things have run out of hand here
Ingen vinker frå sprinklene på KringsjåNo one is waving from the bars at Kringsjå
Eller frå gruvene på 16Or from the mines at 16
For ved perrongen der lokomotivet stodBecause at the platform where the locomotive stood
fins nå ingenting bortsett frå ekkoetthere's now nothing except for the echo
av en gjenlagt megafon som saof a forgotten megaphone that said
Siste avgang 15:30Last departure 15:30
Eg er den siste som synger denne visåI am the last one to sing this tune
Toget har gått for de andreThe train has left for the others
Det var tungt regn alltidThere always was heavy rain
enten det var sommer eller vinter derwhether it was summer or winter there
Og det står rissa inn i murene på KringsjåAnd it is scratched into the walls of Kringsjå
Det er lovd ut en dusørThere's a reward offered
til den som kan få Henry oppi kiståto the one who can get Henry into a coffin
For nogen blei nettopp stengt inne'Cause some were recently locked in
Andre har vært der si manns minneOthers have been there since the beginning of time
Men Henry hadde en pisk som var så langBut Henry had a whip that was so long
Ei stripa over ryggen, strø litt saltA lash over the back, sprinkle some salt
og få respekt trodde hanand get respect, he thought
Men alt han ville ha det var applaus, applausBut all he wanted to have was applause, applause
Men ikkje faen om me klapte for hanBut like hell that we clapped for him
Aldri om eg klapper for hanNo way I'd clap for him
Eg er din siste som synger denne visåI am the last one to sing this tune
før hu går i glømmebokåbefore it gets completely forgotten
De hørte kviskring om kvelden når det var stilleThey heard whispering in the evening when it was silent
Men ikkje kva som blei sagt der inneBut not what was said in there
Eg er den einaste frå gruvene på 16I am the only one from the mines at 16
som kom seg ut av mørketwho made it out of the darkness
Eg fekk en pose gull med meg på reisenI got a bag of gold with me on my journey
Og klokka den var 15:30And the time was 15:30
då eg tok siste avgang nogensinnewhen I took the last departure ever

Señor Torpedo

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

When we were making "the difficult second album", we had only 12 songs with us in the studio - the 12 that in turn became Evig Pint. The reason was that there weren't more to choose from, we said then. We simply had not made more.

But after going through the demos from this period, we found out that was not fully correct. We have never been occupied with looking backwards, so we were a bit surprised by these songs we had left orphaned without any remorse in 2003, because there were some curious notes here. Señor Torpedo is an example, a bit like "Veterans klage" from Evig Pint perhaps, a very strange song that isn't like much else out there.

The lyrics ask the question of who can take over the mafia throne after Sonny, who was exposed in a plot in the song "Hevnervals", ended up with life in prison and a death sentence in the song "Drøm hardt". The family business is bleeding and shouting for someone who can take over for Sonny. Sonny has a "right hand", a man on the outside. It is he who is the narrator and runs the show all throughout Evig Pint. In this song, he presents a merciless replacement by the name Señor Torpedo who gives you everything you ask for. But in practice, it is he himself who rules the mafia, up until he quietly passes away as a blind old man in the song "Sonny".

Sometimes as a songwriter, one has one theme or another, a stanza or a melody line that rides one like a mare for a long time. The potential is there, but it never materializes. The organ riff of Señor Torpedo was one for Janove, in the end it ended up in "Knekker deg til sist" from the Maestro album, but before that it was part of "Señor Torpedo". It is, after all, legal to steal from oneself.

Señor Torpedo

Señor Torpedo

Eg kan sei det igjen men eg har sagt det førI can say it again, but I've said it before
Familiebedriften dørThe family business is dying
Sjå på meg den som tørLook at me who dares
å sette seg i stolento sit in the chair
Og alle kjenner Sonny sitt navnAnd everyone knows Sonny's name
Og alle sammen føler hans savnAnd everyone feels his loss
Han er så Helgen som en Helgen kan bliHe's as Hallow as a Hallow can be
Det fins ingen ny SonnyThere's no new Sonny
Og rekk opp hånda hvis du kjenner nogenAnd raise your hand if you know somebody
En som eg kan ha inni armkrokenSomeone I can link arms with
En som er komfortabel i sjefsstolenSomeone who's comfortable in the boss' chair
En som alltid har ei hånd på pistolenSomeone who always has a hand on the gun
Det var for han eg måtte sy sju stingFor him I had to sew seven stitches
Det var for han eg måtte bli halvt blindFor him I had to turn half blind
Og du var alltid velkommen innAnd you were always welcome
Måtte eg gått i døden for han, ville eg gått rett innIf I had to die for him, I would have done so right away
For han er min farBecause he is my father
Herren gir og Herren tarThe Lord gives and the Lord takes
Så lenge du er lojalAs long as you're loyal
er du velkommen i vår hageyou are welcome in our gardens
Det fins ingen vei tilbakeThere's no way back
Ett feil ord, ett skeivt skritt så er dine dager talteOne wrong word, one skewed step and your days are numbered
123456789 10123456789 10
La meg presentere Señor TorpedoLet me introduce Señor Torpedo
Av han får du meir enn du ber omYou get more from him than you ask for
Han legger ingenting i mellomHe doesn't mince matters
Guds gave til oss er Señor TorpedoGod's gift to us is Señor Torpedo
Og snart kjenner alle hans navnAnd soon everybody will know his name
Når han forsvinner kjenner alle hans savnWhen he disappears, everyone will feel his loss
Han blir så Helgen som en Helgen kan bliHe'll be as Hallow as a Hallow can be
Men han blir ingen ny SonnyBut he won't be a new Sonny

Den sjette sansen

Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

This is yet another example of what we call a "genre song", in this case a blues rock song. Even though we like a lot of music in this genre ourselves, we think it is difficult to find our place in it. That is the main reason that "Den sjette sansen" was cut from the Maskineri album.

Like "Medisin & Psykiatri", this is also a song we have played quite a few times live. Therefore, we have gotten a number of inquiries about whether it will be released, and finally we have found a place for it.

The lyrics are a sort of surrealist reflection over a life lived so far, and what one eventually could do differently if one got a second chance. Like the other lyrics on Maskineri, it is not a part of a conceptual story but uses themes we often engage with: the big questions in life, and life after death. Nothing less.

Den sjette sansen

The sixth sense

Eg sko likt og sett mitt liv i perspektivI would have liked to see my life from the perspective
i frå et helikopterout of a helicopter
Og zoomt inn med lupe og studertAnd to zoom in with a magnifying glass and study
mine avgjørende punktermy decisive features
Men sjøl om det er ingenting eg kunne gjort omBut even though there is nothing I could have changed
hadde det vært til hjelp i mitt neste liv omit would have been of help in my next life if
eg fekk sjå mitt liv i perspektiv frå et helikopterI got to see my life from the perspective of a helicopter
Og det hadde vært interessant og skrudd opp lyden ogAnd it would have been interesting to turn up the volume and
hørt kva det var eg snakkte omhear what I was talking about
Men du måtte skrudd kraftig opp volumetBut you would have to turn the volume up a lot
for så mange ord var tommebecause so many words were empty
Men oppe i det blå er det bare bråk fra propellerBut up in the blue there is only the noise from the propellers
Eg står ikkje inne for det eg sa hellerI don't stand up for what I said either
men det kunne vært interessant og skrudd opp lydenbut it could have been interesting to turn up the volume
og hørt kva det var eg snakkte om.and hear what I was talking about.
Om eg bare hadde et minimum av kontrollIf only I had a minimum of control
på det eg har snakkt omover what I talked about
Om bare kvert år hadde vært en sesongIf only every year had been a season
hadde eg snakkt om større ting neste gongI would have talked about bigger things next time
Og eg håper det er heim eg skal,And I hope I'm going home,
når eg ser en ambulansewhen I see an ambulance
Hadde eg visst det eg vett i dagHad I known what I know today
hadde eg hatt et snev av en sjangseI would have had a ghost of a chance
Men alt eg gjor når livet gjekk meg imot var å dansaBut all I did when life wasn't kind to me was dance
Til slutt sa det stopp for både meg og mitt hjertaFinally, it was the end for both me and my heart
Eg håper det er heim eg skal, når eg ser en ambulanseI hope I'm going home when I see an ambulance


Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

With the Evig Pint album we wanted to show a slightly different side of ourselves than we had on Ompa til du dør, and show that we weren't just a party band with only one gear that had gotten lucky. Therefore, we did away with some of the song ideas that leaned in the direction of ompa in favor of heavier and darker rock songs. So in came "Di grind", "De involverte", "Salt & pepper", and out went "Kavalér" and this one, "Du og meg Sonny", a romantic nostalgic song in waltz time. This song is actually one of the reasons we wanted to do this rarities album. We think it is so good that it would be simply terrible of us not to share it with Kaizer-sympathizers out there.

Lyrically, "Sonny" is tied to "De involverte". The narrator has been high up in the mafia, and is actually the boss Sonny's right hand on the outside. Sonny now sits inside, condemned to death ("Drøm hardt"), but controls things on the outside from the prison through his right hand man, who in this song reminisces about the past. He has gotten sentimental in his blind, older days, recalls the good, old times, and now only prepares himself to die.



Hjelp nå en blind mann med stokk og med hattHelp a blind man with a cane and hat now
Hold fast mi hånd. La oss gå ut i nattHold my hand tight. Let's go out tonight
For me gjekk under åpen himmelBecause we walked under open skies
Og me delte våre gamle minnerAnd shared our old memories
Å Sonny. Hey Sonny.Oh Sonny. Hey Sonny.
Du har alltid vært min egen SonnyYou have always been my own Sonny
Alt du har gjort for megEverything you did for me
Alt det du kanEverything you know
Alt de har hørt om deg, alt det er santEverything they heard about you, all that is true
Du har gått så mange runderYou went the distance during so many rounds
Sammen har me gått mange hundreTogether, we went the distance many hundred times
Å Sonny. Hey Sonny.Oh Sonny. Hey Sonny.
Du har alltid vært min egen SonnyYou have always been my own Sonny
Den tid er forbi kor me gjorde alt i lagThe time when we did everything together is over
Snart er det min tur. Mitt hjerte er svaktSoon it's my turn. My heart is weak
Min far var alltid med din farMy father was always with your father
Og våre fedres fedre var alltid i lagAnd our fathers' fathers were always together
Å Sonny. Hey SonnyOh Sonny. Hey Sonny
Du har alltid vært min egen SonnyYou have always been my own Sonny
Ingen kan vanna mine blomster frå nåNobody can water my flowers from now on
Mitt verk står for fall. Det er opp til andre å såMy work is starting to fail. Others will need to start seeding
Ja for innen kvelden er ommeYes, because before the night is over
legger eg meg ner og sovnerI'll lie down and sleep
Å Sonny. Hey SonnyOh Sonny. Hey Sonny.
Innen kvelden er omme så sovner egBefore the night is over I'll sleep
Å Sonny. Hey Sonny.Oh Sonny. Hey Sonny.
Du har alltid vært min egen SonnyYou have always been my own Sonny


Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

In the year 2000 there was naturally no one who had heard of the newly-founded band Kaizers Orchestra. The few who had heard of it had little faith that it would ever get anywhere, and no one could really blame them for that.

BUT, Janove had other plans, and in addition to talking a lot about these bright outlooks, he also made a song about them, a sort of pep-talk for the band. In short, Prosessen is about Kaizers' future "rise to fame" as he imagined it. "The revolution" and "the new religion" are Kaizers, who contribute to saving the music world from the mire we thought the industry was in at the time. The new homemade apricot wine, if you will. The main problem with Prosessen, and the reason it wasn't on Ompa, was that it was a little too pop-catchy. We were terrified of getting a "hit" we couldn't completely stand up for, end up in the DH-rock category, and come off the ski jump askew in what could have been a great musical flight. We felt that the melody went off like a gunshot, but unfortunately a gunshot of the irritating sort. If we were presented and associated with this song, the rest of the album would simply not be in keeping with it. So for the sake of the whole we dropped the frivolous "Prosessen" in favor of dark Romani style, which is what we were really passionate about. We did the right thing with that, with the future taken into consideration.

A fun fact to end with: Author and Kaizer friend Tore Renberg heard Prosessen in concert once at Blå in 2000 and has been humming the catchy/irritating tune ever since. So here you finally have it, Tore, you're welcome!


The process

Velkommen til mafia rekrutteringWelcome to the mafia recruiting
Her er alle under læringEveryone here is under training
Så ta godt i mot prestenSo let's welcome the priest
For alle vil bli med på sukksessenBecause everyone wants to be part of the success
så lenge det er penger i bildetas long as there is money in the picture
Det er penger i bildetThere's money in the picture
Me blir større og større for kver dagWe become bigger and bigger every day
Me representerer alle sosiale lagWe represent all social layers
i frå toppen av pyramiden og nerfrom the top of the pyramid and down
Eg ser det på degI see it in you
Eg ser det på deg. Du er som ossI see it in you. You are like us
For det vil bli revolusjonBecause there will be a revolution
når du ser folk konverterer til en annen religionwhen you see people convert to another religion
Og dei som ikkje trur på meg i dag...And those who don't believe in me today ...
Det er en del av prosessenThat's a part of the process
Alt du har hørt om oss er santAll that you've heard about us is true
Me begynner å bli mangeWe're starting to become many
Me har folk over heile landetWe have people all over the country
Det er ingenting som å sjå når de promenererThere's nothing like seeing them promenade
Enkelte reagerer, men andre applaudererSome react to it, but others applaud
og det er sånne som ossand those are people like us
Me tar dag for dagWe take day by day
konstruerer svarconstruct answers
gjer deg alt du vil hagive you all you want to have
tenk strategi, tenk strategithink strategic, think strategic
Åh du er i mine hender kva enn som skjerOh, you're in my hands whatever happens
La meg få din stemme. Eg ber på mine kerLend me your voice. I ask on my knees
Åh du har så mange ting i venteOh, you have so much to expect
Bli med på sukksessenJoin the success
Sei til venner og kjenteTell friends and acquaintances
de kan bli med på prosessenthey can join the process

Stormfull vals

Thanks to Jez for the English translation! Thanks to Anthony and Casper for translating the background info!

Background information about the song:

"Stormfull vals" was on the list of songs to go on the Ompa album, but was beat out in the last stage of composition by newcomers Kontroll på Kontinentet and 170 (Janove has always had a tendency to come up with the best album tracks right before the deadline. For example, Evig Pint was the last song to be made for that album, and Maestro was the last song for its album). "Stormfull vals" is a real rattler, one of the first we made as Kaizers Orchestra, and it's not a waltz either. It is about Egil Ei, who after foreseeing the great flood in the song "Katastrofen" - without being believed - turns to the bottle for comfort.

The village, and specifically his great love Ms. Victoria Zudine, are (seemingly) taken by the flood, the wind rages on, and it is stormy both inside Egil's head and outside. Humorous tragedy is something we have dealt with many times in our lyrics, yes, and here as well. This song is also a genre song, and we found out the only way to do it was to get drunk on Terje's Christmas present, a 23 year old rum from Cuba, invite everyone we knew with an instrument into the big room in the studio, count to four, stumble away and hope for the best.

Stormfull vals

Stormy waltz

Ute blåser vinden kaldt på mitt kinnOutside the wind is blowing cold on my cheek
Eg slepper han ikkje innI'm not letting him in
Eg roper til han at forsvinn nå du vindI yell at him go away now, you wind
Det gamla treet vaier som om det sko ha drukkeThe old tree is waving like if it had been drinking
Snart blir det ved i min kaminSoon it'll be wood in my fireplace
Eg tar fram sagå mi og sage det eg greierI take out my saw and saw all I can
For ingen danser vals som gamle Egil Ei'Cause no one dances waltz like old Egil Ei
Månen henger lågt og hanThe moon is hanging low and he
speiler seg i ett glass med vannmirrors himself in a glass of water
Ikkje diskutér med hanDo not discuss with him
Han er så overflatisk at det er synd om hanHe is so superficial it's a shame about him
Eg truer han med neven og med enI threaten him with the fist and with a
masse ord eg trur han ikkje kanbunch of words I believe he doesn't know
Den mannen er ikkje sannThat man is not genuine
Eg lurer på koss han kan sviva i sånn tilstandI wonder how he can float in that condition
Eg kan notera meg for nok en stormfull kveldI can note down another stormy evening
Både for véret og mitt eget vedkommendeFor the weather as well as for my part
For gulvet har blitt min kavalérBecause the floor has become my partner
Me danser stormfull valsWe dance a stormy waltz
og eg er trofast til din halsand I am faithfull to your neck
Huset mitt står skjeivtMy house stands crooked
Horisonten er ikkje der han en gong varThe horizon is not where it used to be
Akkurat som eg saExactly as I said
Det heile bikker litt mot venstreIt all is tilting a little to the left
Eg vett ikkje kor det skalI don't know where it's going
Ikkje ring til ambulansenDon't call the ambulance
om eg sko detta ner ei litå trappif I should fall down a few stairs
Så snart eg får sjangsenAs soon as I get the chance
så skal eg ta ett tak og gjenvinne balansenI'll take a grip and find back the balance
Men fysst må eg ha meg en liten en i min venstre fotBut first must I have a little one in my left foot
Ellers så blir det bare rotElse it'll only become a mess
Og har du lyst til å ta en skålAnd should you feel like raising a glass
så setter eg ikkje meg i motthen I will not oppose
Og vinden herjer fortsatt.And the wind still rages.
Han er forbaska i kveldHe's darned tonight
Og regnet kom i strie strømmerAnd the rain came down in stern torrents
Og eg sitter her og prøver å glømmaAnd I sit here and try to forget

Under månen

Thanks to Jez for the English translation!

The Norwegian lyrics were never officially published, so they might contain errors.

Under månen

Under the moon

Eg har alltid gått litt på sidåI have always walked a little beside
av den veien som folk flest gårthe path that most people go
Har låge på ryggen rett under månenHave lain on my back right under the moon
Og tenkt på ting eg ikkje forstårand thought about things I don't understand
Og eg har hatt nogen øyeblikk kun for meg sjølAnd I have had a few moments all to myself
Kor verden har stått helt i rowhere the world has been standing completely still
Og eg har bevegd meg. Ingen har sett megAnd I have moved, no one has seen me
Tenk om me kunne vært toImagine it could've been us two
Og er du der uteAnd are you out there
Under den samme, kalde, kvite månen nåUnder the same cold white moon now
Ligger du og lurer, sånn som eg gjerAre you lying down and wondering, just like I do
Ikkje for du vil, men for du måNot because you want to, but because you have to
Eg har alltid vært på vei heimI have always been on the way home
Og eg har leita under kver ein steinAnd I have searched under every single stone
Har vært sånn i tvil på kor eg ska gåHave been in such doubt about where to go
Hadde vært enklare om veien var beinWould've been simpler if the road was straight
Men tenk om det var duBut imagine it was you
Som sto bak neste svingWho stood behind the next turn
og blinka meg innand picked me out
og spør om eg vil bli dinAnd asked if I want to be yours
Ja, nei, det vil eg aldri la meg gå forbiYes, no, I would never let that pass me by
Bare du vett kem eg ska bliOnly you know who I will be
Og er du der uteAnd are you out there
Under den samme, kalde, kvite månen nåUnder the same cold white moon now
Ligger du og lurer, sånn som eg gjerAre you lying down and wondering, just like I do
Ikkje for du vil, men for du må?Not because you want to, but because you have to

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Konzertjunkie onTwitter: kaizers_kj
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