
Skambankt do their release concert, and at the same weekend, Cloroform play in Oslo. Sometimes things work out perfectly. =:-)

I can’t really compare this to other concerts, as I’ve only seen Cloroform once before. But the concert was great and really impressive – and very different from “normal” concerts. And even more “weird” than my first Cloroform concert.

So this is why I can’t give a setlist here. There was a lot of improvisation and one song lead to the other. Øyvind and Børge were “battling” all the time, Kaada was singing, screaming and whispering. And all of it in thick stage fog and bright lights, very impressive.

I didn’t expect John Dee to fill up. But it did – I don’t know if it was sold out or not, but it looked really full, and the audience was having fun. Of course you can’t expect a dancing and jumping crowd at a Cloroform concert, but people obviously enjoyed themselves. And the first row was really wild and screaming, pretty interesting. *gg*

As I wrote above – compared to the show I saw in Germany, there was a lot more improvisation. The songs weren’t really separated, and all in all it seemed like a bit of a “chaos”. But in a positive way. Suddenly there would be a part of a known melody, then a whole song, then some improvisations. It didn’t have much in common with a “normal” rock concert – but it was amazing.

Kaada still looks like Kevin Bacon (*drool* =;-)), the overalls are still ugly, Øyvind had to whistle on one of the songs and play guitar on another, and we had to boo the microphone cabel. And after that, we booed Kaada, and then Øyvind (but I didn’t really get the reason for booing him *g*). But that’s already all the details I can remember about the concert – in general, it was more an overall impression saying “absolutely great and unique – but once every few months is enough, thanks”. So well, one less band to tour along. But I got enough bands for that already anyway. *g*

After the concert, people were leaving very quickly. And when we left and saw the queues in front of Mono and Internasjonalen, we understood why. =;-) So this is why the night ended without further events worth telling. But at least we learned that Jokke is Black Metal. OK. Sure. *lol*

But after the Skambankt concert I got to talk a bit to Øyvind and could ask him about the new album. They want to take a bit more time to finish it, so it won’t be out before fall. All in all, it will be more “uncommercial” than the last album, and also the concerts will be different from those of the last tour. More improvisation, the songs will be interconnected – thus, if I got it right (it was all in Norwegian of course, and I’m proud I could follow so well! *g*), just the way it seemed to me during the concert already. Cloroform will play some festivals in summer, and in fall, there will be another tour. Maybe also in Germany, but of course Germany is not the main focus. Anyway I hope for some great concerts down here!


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2007/1/27: Cloroform, Oslo